Monday, August 3, 2009


Got a text from aunt saying that granny is critically ill and may not make it till mum goes back to Malaysia...

Mum's trying hard to see if she could change her flight back earlier.. I really hope she can....

I don't know how to feel? If I was to say that I am very sad, it's not true. If I was to say that I am not bothered or sad at all by the news, I'm lying. The truth is I have prepared myself since a long time ago. Death is inevitable. It's sad to lose a loved one but life goes on.......

Anyway, I really hope and pray to God that she will hang on till my mum goes back.

Lord, please answer my prayer.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I need you!!! Where are you???????????????

I can't stand the blardy heat :(

Thursday, June 25, 2009


On Monday, when I saw my friend's sms, I couldn't believe my eyes. I got a First Class Honours for my bachelor's degree. I didn't know how to feel at all. I was really numb!

When the news finally sunk in, I can't help it but I feel depressed. I feel as though this result does not belong to me.

This week's training has been torturous as hell. Haha. Okay not that bad. But you get what I mean.

I was supposed to blog about my Leeds trip and others but I really have no time at the moment.

Neways, I'll just upload some pictures of my dinner at Chester's yesterday. Please don't drool =)

Au revoir.

What's a meal without a pint of beer???

Starter: BBQ chicken wings (They were really well marinated! Absolutely finger-licking good. Haha)

TJ's steak: medium rare!
My Rocky Climb Chicken with Deep Fried Onions. This was havenly!!!!!

Dessert: Chocolate sundae.
Bye. I have gone to haven. =)

Friday, June 12, 2009

Don't Know?

After abandoning my blog for such a long time, I don't know where to pick up again?

It's definitely hard to blog when you haven't been doing it for a period of time.

I'll try my hardest to update. *promise*

My next post would perhaps be after my trip to Leeds next weekend :D

Have a great week y'all!

It's work day again tomorrow.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

I wonder

what I did to deserve such a great final year research project supervisor?


Sunday, March 22, 2009


Can anyone please kindly remind me, why am I taking French again??????

I spent at least 7 hours doing my French homework on Saturday *horrified*

Je ne comprends pas!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Do I want to return or not?

Friday, March 13, 2009


After 6 long months, finally I ......

got myself a bowl and plate to eat from!!!

Gone are the days where I have to eat from the pot, frying pan, plastic containers. :D:D:D

Yesterday's dinner tasted super good. Haha. must be due to the existence of the bowl & plate.


Monday, March 9, 2009

Quick update

It's March now and I'm graduating in July. I am rather nervous though. Nonetheless, I am extremely excited that my parents will be attending my graduation in UK!

I got so many things to blog about but I just have so much things to do, not forgetting my very IMPORTANT final year project. All's good. My supervisor said that we'll publish paper on it! Being just an undergraduate, I am indeed very fortunate to have the opportunity to publish a scientific paper! I am still in awe.

I need more time. Anyone wanna lend me theirs?

p/s: I am depressed that I am going to turn 21 in September. :( *screams old*

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Kiasu-ness seeps thru the tender age of having kids

Talk about the advancements in this era! 17 used to be the age of young people having a hand phone of their own. Now? It's very normal for a kid to have hand phone at the age of 6. As the world progresses, things get more efficient too! Hence, perhaps some of you might think that it's indeed very productive to become a parent at a tender age!

I bet some of you have read news regarding a little boy in UK fathering a daughter recently. Alfie Patten, aged 13, held his daughter, Maisie after his 16 years-old girlfriend gave birth. Can he really comprehend the feeling of being responsible for a life when he isn't able to mange his own life? How's he going to bring up Maisie? His girlfriend herself comes from a big family with lots of siblings. Her parents aren't well to do. Personally, I think for the sake of Maisie, she should be put up for adoption if they can't manage.

At the height of less than four feet and having a tiny frame, I wonder how he would carry his daughter when she gets slightly older?

More importantly, it amazes me how such a young kid have the urge to engage in sexual activities at such a YOUNG age. I recall myself being 12. I was happily going to school, playing with my friends and doing what regular kids do. Perhaps I was being too normal.

More on Alfie's story

Like the title of my post, somehow I feel that the world is getting more kiasu. You may deny but you can't hide the fact. You see and hear about people breaking records. Heard about Nadya Suleman who gave birth to octuplets? Those working in the media are busy finding headlines to stun people. Take Alfie's case for instance, why did they focus on his age instead of his teenage girlfriend? Think. Because he's freaking THIRTEEN only! It's indeed a competition. Who become parents at younger age!

Records of Youngest Parents in UK

1) Jenny Teague from Dorset gave birth to a girl at the age of 12 in year 1997

2) Zoe Hodgson from West Yorkshire conceived her son Leo at the age of 12 in year 2005.

3) Samantha Robertson from Edinburgh, Scotland gave birth at the age of 15

4) Natalie Scanlan gave birth to triplets at the age of 16 and was featured in television programme

I wonder what the future holds for the younger generations. Perhaps in the future, puberty will be induced in younger kids and a greater world record can be made. Imagine the headline in 10 years span, ' 10-years old girl gives birth to octupulets.' Totally possible.

However, I guess this whole thing boils down to sex awareness and education. The liberty and vast development of the sex industry has definitely played its very own role in teen pregnancies.

I have so much more to say on this matter but I guess I'll stop here before I get too controversial.